Day Spa

As an external guest without an overnight stay in a hotel you are also very welcome.

Opening hours for Day Spa guests

Monday to Friday 10am-8pm

Friday 10-16 h

Sunday 14-20 h

Advance booking is required, please contact us:

+41 566 76 68 72   Give away a spa voucher

Day spa Seerose

Day Spa Light

Enjoying from CHF 98

relax and get to know

relax and enjoy

Day Spa Relax Seerose

Day Spa Relax

Enjoying from CHF 58

switch off and enjoy

relax and enjoy

Day Spa Seerose

Day Spa

Enjoying from CHF 235

plunge into Lake Hallwil

relax and get to know

Thai Sunday Seerose

Thai Sunday

Enjoying from CHF 168

Day Spa & culinary delights

relax and get to know
